Leeds Heat Planning Tool (Terms and Conditions)
- This tool is used entirely at your own risk. You should only use the tool in the pre-feasibility stages of a project and
it is not a substitute for full technical assessment and feasibility studies
- Data added to the tool will only be available to users of your account and the administrators at the University of Leeds.
This will not be shared with third parties.
- Your contact details and data will not be passed on to any third parties.
- The project researchers will not contact you unless you have granted us permission at the time of registration.
- Please reference the tool as: Bush, R.E. and Bale, C.S.E., 2014, Leeds Heat Planning Tool, [Online], Available from
http://sure-infrastructure.leeds.ac.uk/leedsheatplanningtool, University of Leeds.
- This tool has been given ethical approval by the University of Leeds (reference LTSEE-020).
If you have any queries regarding these terms and conditions please contact us.