Leeds Heat Planning Tool
Welcome to Leeds Heat Planning Tool
Welcome to the Leeds Heat Planning Tool, a district heating planning tool for England and Wales. This tool offers energy planners a quick and simple way to include social factors right from the early stages of district heating planning; offering an additional evidence base to support business cases for potential schemes and to open up discussions with stakeholders. The tool gives users an initial indication of locations that have the potential to offer viable district heating alongside social benefits such as alleviating fuel poverty. This tool has been developed by Ruth Bush and Dr. Catherine Bale at the University of Leeds as part of a research project funded by the Chesshire-Lehmann Fund and Energy Leeds.
Below is a short video about the "Leeds Heat" project.
Note: This tool is used entirely at your own risk. You should only use the tool in the pre-feasibility stages of a project and it is not a substitute for full technical assessment and feasibility studies. |